Message from Hamp
I am delighted at your attendance of the pro-life event and your dedication to this issue that is so dear to my heart.
As a S.C. Republican, I am unequivocally pro-life. Personally, I am not in support of exceptions such as saving the mother’s life during a medical emergency; it was never considered or classified as abortion so far as I know. My medical friends tell me this might be called triaging, but the fact remains that in dealing with a true medical emergency where the life of the mother and/or baby is at stake, the decisions on prioritizing the lives that can be saved are at the discretion of the parents and their attending physician, and though a difficult decision to make, were never illegal (allegedly what the original Roe v. Wade case decision was supposed to be about, not the legalization of elective abortion). I believe when lives are in danger, the persons involved have to make their own medical decisions whenever possible once their doctor has explained all medical options available to save lives (the informed medical consent doctrine) and the dangers involved. I also stand for and believe the state should stay out of personal medical decisions that do not directly infringe on the rights of others.
But my personal opinion or specific position on abortion does not matter in this issue. Legislators have limits. I know this flies in the face of Democrats who think they can make any law they want. However, the U.S. Constitution limits our authority at the federal level (something Congressmen on both sides of the aisle forgot a long time ago). The federal government is NOT supposed to interfere in your daily lives or personal decisions. Your state government is not supposed to do that either. Obeying the law as lawmakers is crucial to preserving the Constitutional Republic, the U.S.A., and protecting our freedom.
Accordingly, I acknowledge the fact that the United States Supreme Court has recently ruled on a case in a way as to overrule the old, misinterpreted Roe V. Wade Decision that was used to act as an excuse to decriminalize elective abortions in every State in the Union. In this latest decision, the Supreme Court identified federal laws on elective abortion as being outside the jurisdiction of the federal legislature, the U.S. Congress, and being within the authority of the several States to govern. This takes this issue out of the hands of the U.S. Congress and leaves it up to each of the States to make laws either in defense of life or not.
My opinion as to whether this is the best ruling or decision that the court could have issued is irrelevant. What it tells me is that as a U.S. Congressman, I will have no authority to pass a bill in regard to banning or legalizing elective abortions. I know that I cannot introduce such a bill without contesting the decision of the court, and even if it passed the Congress and was signed by the president, the Supreme Court could issue injunctions preventing the enforcement of a federal law (ban) on abortion. This is why President Trump has repeatedly tried to point out to candidate Kamala Harris that her claims that we would pass, and he would sign such a bill are false.
Why do the Democrats persist in this lie? They have no other issue to run on unless they steal our platform. You may have even heard her say she is going to end taxing tips. (Maybe she is taking a trick out of the playbook of another person known for plagiarism.) But the fact remains that this is currently not a federal issue and barring a new set of justices ruling to the contrary, that will be the state of the matter for the foreseeable future, and congressmen need to understand that fact.
I will continue to support humans and their lives at all stages of life in keeping with the S.C. Republican Platform! I will do everything to represent your right to life, liberty, and property in the government of the U.S.A. In South Carolina, I will support and personally vote our pro-life values in elections to be passed into our laws just as you do. I stand with you for the sanctity of human life that God has given us.
I encourage you to increase your efforts for winning this fundamental human rights issue in the great historic State, South Carolina, that founded a Union with 12 other States, to the end of protecting their lives and rights by establishing justice for themselves and us, their heirs. We can win this critical battle for these precious lives in our home, South Carolina. Please contact me or my staff to find out how YOU CAN help win this battle by 2026, if not as early as next year. We are winning. Become a part of that great godly victory today.